I LOVE the new...the promise of "what could be..." in the future.
And yet, I've learned, that in order to TRULY move into something NEW, we must also be willing to let go of something...something old or outdated.
Sometimes this letting go comes in the form of old beliefs, old fears, old patterns, old stories, old habits...
And sometimes, as has been the case with me, that letting go comes in the form of relationships.
(I said good-bye to my sweet dog, Bacchus in 2016).

All of the letting go can be painful or uncomfortable, and yet, as we learn to step out of our comfort zone and truly let go of the "thing" (belief, habit, pattern, story) that we've held so tightly to, we open to possibilities.
In this (personal) video, I share a hugely important insight that has helped me grieve the loss of my sweet dog, with a deep sense of fullness & peace (I wasn't sure I should send this video to you, because I am really REAL - I shed a few tears, I share off-the-cuff about my feelings, and well, it's a little vulnerable. I truly hope it supports you in some way).