Even after 4 years of psychotherapy, I was still feeling stuck, unhappy and without tools to deal with my anger, sadness, feeling left out, and feeling untethered. I have a wonderfully supportive husband, and two lovely daughters and really, no 'real' reason to be so unhappy. But I still found myself unfulfilled.
Karen’s 1-day BRAVE workshop helped me to understand my issue - about my desire to find my voice, to be seen and heard. I immediately knew I wanted to participate in the BRAVE Immersion, but It was A LOT of money to spend on...who, me?? We were not financially stable, borrowing money to finance our daughters' school and had very little savings. However, I jumped in and signed up that day. WHY? I was SO VERY tired of feeling so low and not able to get off my hamster wheel of life. I wanted to be so light and shiny like Karen and her panel.
I am so glad I made that decision that day!
BRAVE has given me so much. I am finally comfortable with who I am, in my own skin! I can show up authentically ME regardless of who I am talking to. I am more aware of what triggers me and how I can start thinking about why and getting to the root causes of my emotional upheavals. There's a lot of 'talking' in my head...and it's all great. Instead of looking outward to others (my husband or kids) or things (I use to resort to a lot of retail therapy) to make me happy, I am internally focused - I create my own happiness.
There are many special things about BRAVE – including Karen’s expertise and light, the content she teaches, and especially the connections I made with the other women in the group. Karen creates such a safe environment, allowing the group of women to come together in a way I have rarely experienced before. I hadn't had great experiences with other women, and hadn't really culled great friendships after school. I was wary of having to interact and be accountability partners with strangers, BUT it all worked out! The energy of my group is amazing, the sharing is so deep, everyone learns so much from each other, practicing giving and receiving feedback in a very safe environment.
Other benefits are all the ripple effects: I am the stone in the lake...and my light, my happiness, my authenticity ripples out to my husband, my children, my friends, strangers, and so forth. Everyone in my family is feeling the effects of BRAVE. It's been amazing connecting with others, to be so present with them, and to have honest conversations. I've loved the process of making myself whole again, to be able to separate myself from other people's energies, and to go through life lighter and dare I say, shinier?
I would whole heartedly recommend the BRAVE program for anyone who feels STUCK, constantly spinning, giving all to everyone but nothing to yourselves, not feeling connected, and repeating cycles of sabotage. If you crave being seen, being heard, and shining your inner light, BRAVE is for you!
Junga Kim

Thank you Karen for another amazing experience this weekend.
You are amazing - a gifted, magical genius.

Karen is a gifted, inspirational leader of a transformational women's group (BRAVE) that I can't stop raving about.
Working with Karen and the phenomenal women she attracts, has had a truly profound impact on my life, and I almost feel as if it's my duty to share her with women I care about; and who I think might benefit from a dose of her pixie dust.

I am so amazed at how you've been able to identify the core issues that I've been struggling with.
You found a way to deeply help me. Your work is profound and has had a pivotal influence on my inner life.
Former Program Participant

Thank you Karen for what was, for me, a very inspiring, heart-centred and deeply emotional day.
Thank you for sharing your gift of connection, passion and hope for those of us who have lost their compass to find their way home.

I've tried reading self-help books, therapy and spirituality groups - which helped some, but not for long.
I was stuck in various aspects of my life. My relationship with my husband, daughter and family and my work situation.
From Fear to Freedom was a helpful introduction to tools, people and a leader that have together become an important source of shifting out of 'stuck'.

This stuff – this exposing of old darknesses to the daylight, and editing of energy, and the amazing feeling of this group – it’s brilliant. A hundred thank you's, Karen, for cooking up this magic and guiding us. You are doing incredible work in the world!
Stuff is popping for me lately – booking lots of future work, a great solution to my housing worries, customers volunteering to write testimonials, personal shifts of great magnitude, etc.
Starting with the BRAVE mini-session (From Fear to Freedom) in the Fall, right on through until now. Another hundred thank you's to the group, for collectively knitting together this container for all of us. I’m feeling blessed and full of love, and so excited for what we’re doing together!

Oh my gosh! This is all just so incredibly, overwhelmingly, phenomenally, exquisitely beautiful.
There just aren't enough words available to express the myriad and depth of emotions all of this stirs up and the dormant memories being awakened and new insights being revealed. This is priceless gold... what a distinct honor and privilege to be part of this group and one this incredible journey of self-discovery and healing surrounded by such love, compassion, empathy, creativity and understanding.
Karen is a genius a huge gift with a unique gift - Wow.

It really was an amazing day and while I didn't speak much, I truly was moved by the women who were there and what you had to say.
It all made so much sense and I will need to read what I wrote down every day so it will stick with me so I won't let fear run my life so much. You obviously found your calling and think you did a fantastic job yesterday !!! Thank you again for the amazing workshop.

The results I've had have been nothing short of miraculous.
I was stuck in fear mode but I really wanted to enjoy healthy relationships with women. Working with Karen through the Energy Editing™ process freed me from my old beliefs and changed thought patterns that I believed were hard-wired.
In the past 2 months, I have seen a shift in my relationships with women that I never thought possible.

Karen, I want you to know that the conference was incredibly powerful and insightful for me as I was able to work through {powerful feelings} and identify desires and needs in my life that need addressing.
I loved watching you and really appreciate your vulnerability, warmth, honesty, and all of the your hard work in putting this workshop together... I know I will always remember this past Sunday.

With From Fear to Freedom, the shifts were real and the results were there from the beginning, all the way through the program and continued afterwards.
Karen is a skilled and intuitive Energy Editing™ Professional. She takes the well-being and issues of each participant very seriously. You are in good hands with her!

I wanted to thank you SO much for the incredible weekend. It was truly special in so many ways and Pearl and I loved every minute of being there, and soaking in your amazing, caring, gracious way of being.
You have such a warm, wonderful facilitation style and you make everyone in the room feel special. Plus, the content is so rich.
We loved doing the fabulous and fun activities, and connecting with each other in such a meaningful way. It was an amazing experience for us on so many levels, and I'm really grateful to you. Pearl and I have been talking about the weekend all this week--and we both seriously want to come and do another retreat in the future when you do another one for Pearl's age group.
Thank you again for this incredible experience. I'm trying so hard to hold onto it as the busy-ness of everyday life resumes. It's hard, but I'm determined to try!

The retreat was an amazing experience for my daughter and me. I’ve been talking about it to anyone who will listen!
At first, I was nervous not knowing what the schedule would be like, but once I got there and sunk into the weekend, I realized that I could relax. I felt so taken care of – both myself and my relationship with my daughter.
My daughter loved it, and I loved watching her interact with the others and discover more positive ways to think about herself. I learned so much from hearing the other girls too. The time, the space and the structure to help us think and talk about things we might otherwise not have was really lovely. I loved, too, that the weekend really emphasized to the girls how your mom is really there for you – you can really count on her.
It absolutely felt worth the price, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to connect with their daughter in such a positive, supportive environment, while teaching them about taking good care of their whole selves!
Jen, mom of 9 year old daughter

Thank you for the wonderful experience we had at the retreat! I am thrilled about trying the various healthy foods and the introductions to many that I have learned.
Wow, it is really an eye opener to many new things, especially about how it doesn’t benefit that much by eating low fat in order to stay healthy! Now I don’t have to spend much money or time to find such foods.
I can’t emphasize enough that the quality time that we spent together was just phenomenal. It helped [my daughter] and me to get our relationship even stronger and to discover new things about each other. She is very excited about our next retreat and has started planning!
I loved that we didn’t once talk about dieting – that thought didn’t cross my mind the whole weekend!
I loved seeing my daughter open to a lot of the group exercises and have so much fun with it. We had the best time with you and the rest of the group and we are looking forward to seeing you next year. Thanks for making this such a memorable weekend for us!
Jesi, mom of 10 year old daughter

I am eternally grateful for this group and the work we are doing.
I haven't felt this connected to myself, ever!
BRAVE Participant

I am very grateful for all you have given me. You are a master responder and so awesome at having everyone feel seen and heard.
I still can’t believe how lucky I am to have stumbled upon BRAVE and found you. Know you are making a huge difference and you are such an important role model for me.

I need you to know that this was the best birthday I’ve ever had… I felt content in my life, in my body, in my breaking some rules, in being rebellious and compassionate, strong AND vulnerable, looking forward to a day with people to whom I have great respect for and have grown to truly love and care for deeply.
I am at once in awe of, celebrating with, supporting/supported by and desiring “more” connection with the BRAVE family of women. Wow! Is THAT new! I felt seen AND STILL accepted and even loved. (Talk about new!).
To feel love for myself, for my life, for a true community, for my family, and even for my imperfections that allow me to grow and be inspired…all at once…unbelievable. Because I was feeling all of that, I was able to receive to celebrate and be celebrated, to feel cherished in circumstances that would have felt imperfect in the past, and to create enough glowing energy of joy and love around me that EVERYTHING felt like it was for ME, purposefully, and as if I could desire it and it would manifest itself. It did, even in tangibles. Truly incredible.
What a GIFT!!!! I cannot imagine anything more glorious. THANK YOU.

Sign up if you want to overcome your blocks!
I've know for a while what the issues are that I really needed to work on, but I haven't known how to go about doing it. I feel like this course helped me figure out the "how to".
The Energy Edits™ were very helpful and this class was perfect for me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!